The results
obtained up to
now are very
encouraging. They
allow validating
the measurement
concept, which
will be used by
the microsatellite
TARANIS (Tool for
the Analysis of
RAdiation from
lightNIng and
Sprites) submitted
to the Myriade
program of the
CNES. Taranis is dedicated to the study of sprites and associated phenomena and to the global
analysis of the coupling between the atmosphere, the ionosphere, and the magnetosphere in
relation with these phenomena.
Blanc E, Farges T, Brebion D, et al. Main results of LSO (Lightning and sprite observations) on
board of the International Space Station. Microgravity Science and Technology. 2007;19(5-
6):80-84. doi: 10.1007/BF02919458.
Blanc E, Farges T, Brebion D, Labarthe A, Melnikov V. Observations of sprites from space at the
Nadir: The LSO (Lightning and Sprite Observations) Experiment on board of the International
Space Station. NATO Science Series. 2006;225:151-166. doi: 10.1007/1- 4020 -4629-4_7.
Blanc E, Farges T, Roche R, et al. Nadir observations of sprites from the International Space
Station. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2004; 109:A02306. doi:10.1029/2003JA009972.
This investigation is complete and all results are published.
Astronaut aboard the International Space Station captures red sprites, which happened
to be passing over Myanmar during a large thunderstorm. ESA image.