The results of processing the data obtained during the Molniya-SM allow conclusions that
advances future understanding of both the lightning discharge mechanisms and the entire array
of processes relating to the upward discharge, including visible glow phenomena observed in
the upper atmosphere. One of the main requirements for such experiments is high sensitivity of
equipment, high temporal and spatial resolution, integration of optical and radio-physics
methods, and the use of terrestrial, aircraft, balloon, and satellite-based measuring platforms.
Based on the experiment results, the equipment as described here has been verified for future
research of the processes associated with lightning discharge (Belyaev 2007, 2008).
Belyaev BI, Belyaev YV, Katkovsky LV, et al. Spectrophotometric system and method of
measuring nighttime luminosity in the Earth’s upper atmosphere from space. Ukrainian
National Conference, Kiev, Ukraine; June 3-5, 2008; 51-53.
Belyaev BI, Katkovsky LV, Nesterovich EI, Sosenko VA, Sinelnikov VM, Khvaley SV. Equipment
system and method for measuring nighttime atmospheric luminosity from space. 3rd
Belorussian Space Congress, Minsk, Belorus. October 23-25, 2007;57-61.
This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publication.