Correlative analysis for each of the particle bursts and seismic events was identified in the
experiment. It considered the coincidence of L-coordinates of genetically linked particle bursts
and earthquakes with a time shift of 1-5 hours in-between, identified 8 particle bursts that
were potential candidates for harbingers of earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 4 on
the Richter scale.
It was discovered that along with particle bursts observed at various longitudes of perturbed L-
shells, there are particle bursts grouped along tectonic fault lines; that is, right in the zones of
local perturbations of the Earth's radiation belt. The correlative analysis performed on the
spatial and temporal characteristics of recorded particle bursts and on the data for seismic
events showed in sufficient statistics that approximately 15% of particle bursts may be seismic
in nature. They are localized in the L-shells of earthquakes and precede earthquakes with a
magnitude greater than 4 by several hours.
Aleksandrin SY, Bakaldin AV, Batischev AG, Bjeumikhova MA, Galper AM, et al. The origin of
high energy charged particle bursts in the near-Earth space. Annales Geophysicae. 2011
[Aleksandrin SY, Bakaldin AV, Batischev AG, et al. High-energy charged particle flux dynamics in
the near-Earth space caused by solar-magnetospheric and geophysical phenomena. 33rd
International Cosmic Ray Conference 2013 , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2013.]
Aleksandrin SY, Galper A, Koldashov SV. The study of local perturbations in the radiation belt in
the Arina and Vsplesk satellite experiments. 31st All-Russian Conference on Cosmic Rays,
Moscow, Russia; 2010.
Aleksandrin SY, Koldashov SV. Monitoring local perturbations in the radiation belt using data
from the Arina and Vsplesk experiments. Scientific Session НИЯУ МИФИ-2010, Moscow, Russia;
This investigation is complete and all results are published.