biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Borisov BS, Garkusha VI, Korsun AG, Sizov AA, Khomin TM, Tverdokhlebova EM. Experimental
modeling in a vacuum chamber of the electro-physical processes occurring during the electric
discharge between the high voltage solar arrays and the hull of the International Space Station.
Scientific Readings Dedicated to the 90th Birthday of Yuri Aleksandrovich Mozzhorin, Korolev,
Russia; 2010.

Borisov BS, Garkusha VI, Korsun AG, Sizov AA, Khomin TM, Tverdokhlebova EM. Study of the
characteristics of electric discharges occurring on the metal-dielectric surfaces of the ISS. VI
International Conference Information Technology in Science, Engineering, and Education,
Pitsunda, Abkhaziya; 2010.

Korsun AG. Electric discharge processes in the ISS plasma environment generated by the high
voltage solar arrays. VI International Conference Information Technology in Science,
Engineering, and Education, Pitsunda, Abkhaziya; 2010.

Korsun AG, Gabdullin FF, Kurshakov MY, et al. Study of the reflective characteristics of the
liquid-propellant engine plumes in the Plazma-Progress space experiment. VI International
Conference Information Technology in Science, Engineering, and Education, Pitsunda,
Abkhaziya; September 2010.

Korsun AG. Prediction of liquid propulsion impact on electric-discharge processes near the
surface of the International Space Station. International Space Propulsion, San-Sebastian, Spain;

Korsun AG. Enhancement of electric discharge processes on the ISS surface during change of
plasma environment near the ISS. 6th International Aerospace Congress, Moscow, Russia; 2009.

Sizov AA, Orlov RV, Korsun AG, Tverdokhlebova EM. Experimental modeling of the
electromagnetic emissions caused by electric discharge processes on ISS surfaces. 6th
International Aerospace Congress, Moscow, Russia; 2009.

Gabdullin FF, Korsun AG, Tverdokhlebova EM, et al. Study of the characteristics of the plasma
environment of low-orbit spacecraft using radio sounding methods. Kosmonavtika i
Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering). 2008;50(1).

Lebedev VP, Kushnarev DS, Medvedev AV, et al. The first results of the series of radar
observations of the Progress cargo transport vehicle with engines firing. XXII All-Russian Science
Conference Radiowave Propagation, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; September 18-22, 2008.

Shpynev VG, Khakhinov VV, Medvedev AV, et al. Ionospheric perturbation associated with the
“Plasma-Progress” experiment at irkutsk. XXIXth URSI General Assembly, Chicago, IL; August 7-
16, 2008.

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