biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

where tectonic plates converge in the region of the Arabian underwater mountain crest in the
Indian Ocean.

It developed a methodology and obtained data through
hyperspectral monitoring of the atmosphere from the ISS in
the UV, visible, and near-infrared portions of the spectrum
along the ISS ground trace with different geo- and
heliophysical viewing conditions (spectral resolution: 1.5
nm; swath: not less than 200 km; spatial resolution: from
1.5 km to 15 km).

Thus, the Relaxation series of space experiments conducted
aboard the ISS from 2002-2010 demonstrated high
effectiveness of UV spectral portion application to
monitoring of global physical phenome of natural and man-
made origin, geophysical conditions in the Earth’s
atmosphere, and near-Earth space.

Plastinin YA, Rizvanov AA, Sipachev GF, Khmelinin BA. Space-based UV survey
of thunderous formations in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie
(Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering). 2011;63(2):123-132.

Karabadzhak GF, Krasotkin VS, Manzhaley AI, Plastinin YA, Khmelinin BA. ISS-based observation
of a European ATV cargo vehicle entering the Earth’s atmosphere with the Fialka–MV-Kosmo
multispectral system. Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering).

Karabadzhak GF, Komrakov GP, Kuznetsov VD, et al. ISS-based study of global spatiotemporal
glowing of the Earth’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere under radiofrequency emission
impact on them. Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering).

Plastinin YA, Karabadzhak GF, Khmelinin BA. Remote measurement of the atomic oxygen
distribution in Earth atmosphere from International Space Station. 46th Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV; 2008.

Anfimov NA, Zemlyanskiy BA, Karabadzhak GF, Plastinin YA. Study of Earth’s atmosphere and
ionosphere from the ISS. Polyot. 2007(12):3-10.

Karabadzhak GF, Plastinin YA, Rodionov AV, Szhenov EY, Sipachev GF, Khmelinin BA.
Spectrosegmental studies in superlow natural and man-made emissions in the Earth’s upper
atmosphere and ionosphere. Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket
Engineering). 2007;49(4):26-32.

Images of plasma units at the
moment of re-entry into the Earth’s
upper atmosphere and fragmentation
of ATV-1 in different spectral ranges:
a) in UV-range, b) in visible range.
Roscosmos image.
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