the fact that the samples were heated using
heating elements, located on the bottom of the
case. The convective air thermal currents that
occurred were unevenly distributed around the
case volume and heat was unevenly transferred to
the samples. In connection with this, the
development of a method for evenly heating the
foam in the case of their practical use to create
transforming structures will be necessary. The
degree of restoration of the sizes of the flight
samples was slightly less in comparison with the
ground samples, which may be explained by the
lack of or minimal intensity of the convective
currents during heating of the samples in
microgravity conditions. The constituent porosities
(opened and closed) of the samples vary in
considerably large ranges and depend on both the
height and the depth of the layer being used for
the studies.
Devicheva OV. The influence of nature and the
quantity of carbon filler on the properties of
polyurethane foam with shape memory. Scientific
Works of the International Youth Science
Conference; 2010.
Devicheva OV, Kozlov NA. The influence of the
concentration of catalyzer on the manifestation of
shape memory in polyurethane foam. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific-Technical
Conference: New Materials and Technologies MTM-2010, Moscow, Russia; November 16-18,
Baryshnikov AM, Agapov IG. The influence of filler orientation in carbon-fiber with a
polyurethane matrix on shape memory. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific-Technical
Conference: New Materials and Technologies MTM-2010, Moscow, Russia; November 16-18,
This investigation is complete and all results are published.
Before shape restoration (top), after shape
restoration (bottom). Roscosmos image