Creating, Preparing, and Launching Small Spacecraft during Extravehicular Activity (RadioSkaf)
Research Area: Cultural Activities
Expedition(s): 12, 25- 28 -ongoing
Investigator(s): ● Alexander P. Alexandrov, PhD, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space
Corporation Energia, Korolev, Russia
Creating, Preparing, and Launching Small
Spacecraft during Extravehicular Activity
(RadioSkaf) uses a decommissioned Orlan
spacesuit equipped with a ham radio
transmitter and a compact disk containing
messages and images from students around
the world. After being released during
extravehicular activities, the suit will transmit
a ham radio signal and then re-enter the
Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. Students
and hobbyists from around the world can
tune in to the signal to identify the
transmitted words and image. This
investigation will not only inspire the next
generation of explorers but can help bridge
the cultural gap of people around the globe.
The results obtained during the experiment
sessions proved the capacity for student-
created space objects with various target
applications using recycled components and
not requiring large material expenditure.
During the experiment, sessions were
conducted to receive information from the
satellite at ham radio stations on the ground,
thus confirming the capability to receive data from the International Space Station (ISS) by all
ham radio communication stations on the ground located in the area of radio coverage of the
During the experiment, a microsatellite was successfully launched from aboard the ISS during
extravehicular activity; microsatellite equipment was also tested experimentally in autonomous
flight. Viewing and listening to the data received made it possible to confirm the stability of
satellite signal reception on Earth from the ISS.
RadioSkaf created using a decommissioned
Russian Orlan spacesuit that is outfitted with
transmission hardware was released during an
extravehicular activity. Roscosmos image.