biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Space Seeds for Asian Future (SSAF)

Research Area: Cultural Activities
Expedition(s): 27 and 28
Principal Investigator(s): ● Kibo-ABC Initiative

The Space Seeds for Asian Future (SSAF) program is one of the activities under the “Kibo-ABC”
Initiative of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF), intended to provide a
better understanding of the utilization taking place in the Kibo laboratory. This program also
aims to provide children and students in the Asia-Pacific region with opportunities to learn
about space experiments and the space environment, including orbital microgravity.

Students from across Asia are inspired to seek careers in the field of aerospace and science by
experimenting with actual seeds flown aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

The future of space exploration is dependent on the generations of students yet to come. This
program aims to spark interest in space activities and scientific research among young people in
the Asia-Pacific region by allowing them to actually hold the seeds from space in their hands.
The seeds themselves have little scientific importance; however, the impact of this experiment
lays the foundation for scientific curiosity among today’s young people.

Well over 1000 students from 4 Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam)
participated in this program (Space Seeds for Asian Future 2010-2011), allowing them an
opportunity to grow "space seeds" retuned from the Kibo laboratory. Various domestic
programs were conducted by the local agencies including: Bandung Institute of Technology
(ITB, Indonesia); National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN, Indonesia); National Space
Agency (ANGKASA, Malaysia); Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute
(MARDI, Malaysia); Ministry of Education (MOE, Malaysia); Department of Agriculture (DOA,
Malaysia); National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA, Thailand); and Tay
Nguyen Institute of Biology and Space Technology Institute of the Vietnam Academy of Science
and Technology (TNIoB/VAST and STI/VAST, Vietnam).

Indonesia received 2 kinds of space seeds, tomato and garden balsam. The tomato seeds were
distributed to students during a science competition at Space Science Festival in 2011, and the
garden balsam seeds were distributed to students during 2012 L’Oreal Girls Science Camp and
2012 Kalbe Junior Science Award.

Malaysia sent its original strain of chili (MC-11) seeds to space. ANGKASA established a local
committee to conduct this program. The committee consists of MARDI, MOE, and DOA and ran
both education and research programs. As an education program, the Malaysia Space Seed

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