Ucyu Renshi: Connecting Global People with Words (Space Poem Chain)
Research Area: Cultural Activities
Expedition(s): 18 and 22
Principal Investigator(s): ● Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tsukuba, Japan
Ucyu Renshi: Connecting Global People with Words (Space Poem Chain) is a form of poetry
developed from traditional Japanese linked verse (renga and renku) and practiced worldwide.
Space Poem Chain is an attempt to create a collaborative place through linked verse‖ by
thinking together about the universe, Earth, and life itself, unfettered by barriers of nation,
culture, generation, profession, and position or rank. Space Poem Chain was compiled from
entries contributed over the Internet by the
general public combined with contributions
from poets and other cultural figures.
Space Poem Chain began to connect people,
including crew members in space, and
allowed them to feel more involved with
space activities. Even those not interested in
space sciences and technologies can
participate and enjoy Space Poem Chain.
As scientific progress continues to unravel the world’s mysteries one by one, space continues to
inspire a limitless curiosity in us. At the same time, it makes us aware of the infinite. Thinking
about space, and collaborating with other participants, are essential to creating Space Poem
Chain and building bonds amongst people.
Four Space Poem Chains were composed when it began in 2006. Each Space Poem Chain
consisted of approximately 24 short poems. Half were written by the public and the rest
featured contributions by famous poets. The first poem of each Space Poem Chain was read by
an astronaut in space.
After the Space Poem Chain completed, it was loaded onto the International Space Station
(ISS). All participants can imagine their poems on the ISS, a shining star in space, when they see
it from Earth. The Space Poem Chain symposiums introduced the project to the public. Space
Poem Chain is also being applied to Japanese language classes in elementary schools. Students
compile Space Poem Chains in class with famous poets while learning the importance of
cooperation within the class.
This investigation is complete and all results are published.
Space Poem Chain Volume 3, DVD and
astronaut Soichi Noguchi in front of JEM
window. JAXA image.