biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Video of sessions were recorded and downlinked with commentary by a crew member during
space-to-ground communications. Video footage was used
for initial analysis and demonstrations of the laws of motion
to students. A radio conference between students and the
International Space Station commander was also held at the
Mission Control Center-Moscow (MCC-M).

When the laboratory processing of video footage and a
comprehensive analysis of Fizika-Obrazovaniye space
experiment results are complete, scientific educational
presentation materials are planned to be released on
compact disks on the following topics: “demonstration of the
effects of reactive and gyroscopic forces in microgravity and
the impact of internal and external forces on the pattern of
motion of spinning bodies” and “demonstration of the
phenomenon of the clustering of gas bubbles during gas-
liquid phase separation in a fine-dispersion system in
microgravity occurring with the effects of diffusion processes
and liquid surface tension forces.” Fizika-Obrazovaniye
experiment materials were included in the film “Urok iz
kosmosa” (Lesson from Space) created by the Roscosmos film

During the Fizika-LT study, the rates of forward motion and
rotation of a flying saucer and the motion of a spinning
ellipsoid according to the Bernoulli’s law were demonstrated
and compared with theoretical calculations. In the
experiment, behavior that is of interest for demonstrational
purposes was noted: stabilized rotation of a body with
simultaneous displacement (sideways “drift”) of its axis of
rotation. The unstable and stable behavior of a body in
weightlessness, the initial stage of precession, and motion
with eccentricity of the spatial position of the axis of rotation
was demonstrated.

During the Fizika-Faza study, it was demonstrated that in microgravity the process of gas and
liquid phase separation has significant differences:

  • Complete phase separation takes noticeably longer, and the clustering of gas bubbles
    has different patterns than under conditions of the Earth’s gravitation.

Forward motion of the flying saucer
according to Bernoulli’s law, (top).
Flying saucer while flying, unstable
state (middle). Flying saucer while
spinning, stable state (bottom).
Roscosmos image.
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