biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  • The pattern of the gas bubble clustering process in the very earliest stage is of an
    accelerated nature.

During the Fizika-Otolit study, the modeling of the
transfer of motion processes of 2.5-g and 0.2-g test
masses that were exposed to small (approximately
0.3 g) oscillating accelerations was demonstrated,
during which the amplitude of test mass
displacement was approximately 2 mm. A
comparative assessment of the results of the
experiment with theoretical calculations and the
amplitude-frequency characteristics of the process
in weightlessness can be obtained after processing
and analyzing the experiment data.

This investigation is complete; however additional
results are pending publication.

Otolit device on the mass meter platform,
initial state (top). Otolit device under a g-load
as of approximately 0.3 g (X axis) at the
extreme positions of the mass meter
oscillation platform. Test mass displacement
amplitude: 2 mm (bottom).

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