Popularizing Achievements in Russian Manned Space Exploration (Great Start)
Research Area: Educational Demonstrations
Expeditions: 27-ongoing
Principal Investigator(s): ● Mikhail Y. Belyaev, PhD, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space
Corporation Energia, Korolev, Russia
The Popularizing Achievements in Russian Manned Space Exploration (Great Start) investigation
popularizes achievements of the Russian manned space exploration and presents the results of
research applying them in universities and business activity using educational and Internet
Methodological materials
on popularizing
achievements in space
exploration, scientific and
educational video footage
from on board the
International Space
Station, and the use of
the results of space
research and investigation
for educational and
business purposes were
developed and tested
using Internet
Using Internet technologies and the ISS functioning on orbit, new educational technologies are
tested to popularize achievements in Russian manned space exploration and to use the results
of space investigations for educational and business purposes. One interesting methodological
result of the space investigations was obtained regarding proposals to use the results of
imagery taken on the ISS for educational purposes, such as in geography classes (Uragan
investigation materials). Interesting methodological materials were also obtained on
approaches to popularizing achievements in Russian science using Internet technologies and
using the results of space activities in the domestic economy.
The main result of this investigation was educational and pedagogical, with the achievements of
Russian space exploration being accumulated during its implementation. An important result of
the investigation is providing opportunities to use space activities to many experts in various
fields, which subsequently, provides opportunities to obtain new ideas for the development of
space exploration and the use of spaceflight results based on questionnaires.
Planeta Koroleva website for the Great Start investigation. Roscosmos image.