Message in a Bottle captured “space” in a glass bottle. The intention was to bring it back to
Earth so people would feel closer to outer space. Unfortunately, “space” was not brought back
to Earth because the bottle was broken on the first
attempt. The second attempt was successfully
conducted and “space” was brought back to Earth.
This experiment was an attempt to create clay
figurines in tebineri style (hand-pinching) in a micr
ogravity environment. The findings show that a
gravity-free environment enables creation of
figurines of any shape.
This score is unlike an ordinary music score
consisting of vertical notes. Rather, it consists of 5 oval-shaped circular lines. Sounds were
assigned such that craters are played by marimba and lunar mares by cembalo, whereupon this
piece of music was performed.
Fashion arises from functionality and then develops into mode. This experiment sought new
fashion which would be suitable for long-term stays in space. An important factor for clothes is
how efficiently one can move in a specific environment. To explore how to move one’s body in
a microgravity environment, an ISS astronaut, imitated the movement of fish, birds, and spiders
to examine physical movements. In particular, the difference in the role played by lower body
limbs in space and Earth was highlighted, providing insights into clothes which would be
suitable for this environment.
Space Musical Instruments demonstrated 2 bells. One
was a fractal bell, which resembles different-sized
leaves lined on top of each other. The other is an
ellipsoid bell, which contains a natural fragrant ball
made of Japanese cypress. The fractal bell showed
movements which were more intricate than expected.
The Ellipsoid Bell showed that the sound disappears
upon rotation due to centrifugal force, but it produces
sounds when its rotating movement ceases, unlike
anything we hear on Earth. Furthermore, the beautiful
sounds produced resonate much longer than they
would on Earth. There was an exquisite balance of sounds; the wooden ball controlling the
metallic sounds to some extent. Under weightlessness, sounds are created when instruments
are pushed or jiggled; so a new method of playing, away from the accepted musical wisdom to
One of the bells utilized for the Space Musical
Instruments investigation. JAXA image.
Space Sakura investigation. JAXA image.
Ayako Ono/So Negishi/JAXA