Beckers F, Verheyden B, Couckuyt K, Aubert AE. Non-linear heart rate control in orthostatic
tolerant cosmonauts after short-duration spaceflight. Microgravity Science and Technology.
2007;19(5-6):98-101. doi: 10.1007/BF02919461.
Beckers F, Verheyden B, Aubert AE. Changes in heart rate and blood pressure variability
induced by space flight. Europace. June 14, 2004.
Beckers F, Verheyden B, Morukov BV, Aubert AE. Impact of spaceflight on cardiovascular
autonomic control. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France; July 18-25, 2004. [Also:
Beckers F, Verheyden B, Morukov BV, Aubert A. Impact of spaceflight on cardiovascular
autonomic control. Proceedings of the 55th IAC, 2004, IAC-04-G.P.01, IAC.]
Beckers F, Verheyden B, Aubert AE. Evolution of heart rate variabilty before, during, and after
spaceflight. Journal of Gravitational Physiology. 2003;10:107-108.
This investigation is complete and all results are published.