biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Hughson RL, Shoemaker JK, Arbeille P. CCISS, Vascular, and BP Reg: Canadian space life science
research on ISS. Acta Astronautica. November 2014;104(1):444- 448. doi:

Xu D, Shoemaker JK, Blaber AP, Arbeille P, Fraser KS, Hughson RL. Reduced heart rate variability
during sleep in long-duration spaceflight. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory,
Integrative and Comparative Physiology. July 15, 2013;305(2):R164-R170. doi:

Fraser KS, Greaves DK, Shoemaker JK, Blaber AP, Hughson RL. Heart rate and daily physical
activity with long-duration habitation of the International Space Station. Aviation, Space, and
Environmental Medicine. June 2012;83(6):577-584.

Hughson RL, Shoemaker JK, Blaber AP, et al. Cardiovascular regulation during long-duration
spaceflights to the International Space Station. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012;112(5):719-

  1. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01196.2011.

Zuj KA, Arbeille P, Shoemaker JK, et al. Impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation and reduced
CO2 reactivity after long duration spaceflight. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and
Circulatory Physiology. 2012;302(12):H2592-H2598. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00029.2012.

Blaber AP, Goswami N, Bondar RL, Kassam MS. Impairment of cerebral blood flow regulation
in astronauts with orthostatic intolerance after flight. Stroke. 2011;42:1844-1850. doi:

Robertson A, Greaves DK, Shoemaker JK, Arbeille P, Rush JW, Hughson RL. Carotid distensibility
following a long-duration stay on the International Space Station. 62nd International
Astronautical Congress, Cape Town, South Africa; 2011.

Hughson RL. Recent findings in cardiovascular physiology with space travel. Respiratory
Physiology and Neurobiology. 2009;169 Suppl 1:S38-S41. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2009.07.017.

This investigation is ongoing and additional results are pending publication.

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