In order to fulfill the approved objectives of the experiment, it is necessary to study at least 20
ISS crew members. Scientific analysis of the results is performed upon accumulation of
sufficient amount of data for statistical analysis in order to determine general patterns of group
dynamics in an international ISS crew.
It is shown that the most marked changes took place over the course of the first month of
flight. During the following 4 months of the increment, assessment oneself remained virtually
unchanged. During the last month of flight, more marked changes describing communication,
mood, and self-control come to the foreground. Thus, the results obtained confirm the
proposed hypothesis that under the influence of stress at various stages of long-term
spaceflight, a partial change takes place in self-perception and perception of other
crewmembers, including the most significant criteria reflecting the person's basic values.
Experimental data confirm the high significance and relevance of studying the degree of
psychological closeness (similarity) of members of an international space crew, particularly
taking into account the specific features of the current phase of work on the ISS, which are
characterized by an increased number of cosmonauts and astronauts and their different
Vinokhodova AG, Gushin VI. Study of values and interpersonal perception in cosmonauts on
board of International Space Station. Acta Astronautica. January 2014;93:359-365. doi:
10.1016/j.actaastro.2013.07.026. [Also: Presented during the 63rd IAC in Naples.]
Johnson PJ, Asmaro D, Suedfeld P, Gushin VI. Thematic content analysis of work–family
interactions: Retired cosmonauts’ reflections. Acta Astronautica. 2012;81(1):306-317. doi:
10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.07.032. [Also: Presented during the 62nd IAC in Cape Town.]
Suedfeld P, Brcic J, Johnson PJ, Gushin VI. Personal growth following long-duration spaceflight.
Acta Astronautica. October 2012;79: 118 -123. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.04.039.
This investigation is complete; however, additional results are pending publication.