biology and biotechnology

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cardiothoracic and abdominal organs as well as limited scans of the dental, sinus, and eye
structures. The experiment also included multiple musculoskeletal exams such as a detailed
exam of the shoulder muscles. Analysis of ultrasound video downlinks to ground teams at the
NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) TeleScience Center showed excellent results. Many trauma
centers around the world use ultrasound technology as a first-line diagnostic procedure to
assess abdominal trauma. The use of ultrasound does not require performance by a radiologist
for accurate results. Previous research studies cover this topic of expanding ultrasound
technology use by non-radiologists in
remote locations to provide diagnostic
information on acute clinical conditions.
The use of ultrasound technology as a
diagnostic tool on the ISS required an
onboard proficiency enhancement
program, visual cue cards, procedures,
and direction from ground-based trained
radiological personnel (Sargsyan 2004).
The high-fidelity image captures of the
thoracic, cardiac, and vascular systems
from the Expedition 8 crew demonstrated
the capability of minimally-trained, non-
medical personnel ultrasound operations.
This investigation laid the groundwork for
using ultrasound as a diagnostic tool,
without an available physician, in
microgravity and remote locations on
Earth. There is a scientific paper
discussing these results, which crew
members sent directly from orbit (Foale

Crew members’ ultrasound images of the
shoulder during Expedition 9 showed the
diagnostic quality of the ultrasound
imagery for the evaluation of shoulder integrity. An example application of this technology is if
a crew member were to sustain a shoulder injury during a strenuous extravehicular activity
(EVA or spacewalk), these techniques would enable evaluation and diagnosis of possible injuries
(Fincke 2005).

Following a traumatic event to the head or face, eye examination is a very important
component of the physical examination. Significant orbital or facial swelling can complicate the
examination. The Expedition 10 crew’s examination of the eye through a closed eyelid using
ultrasound addressed this issue. This examination can determine a number of problems with
the eye that are signs of other more significant trauma of the head (Chiao 2005, Sargsyan

The educational program and remote expert guidance
concepts developed for Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound
in Microgravity (ADUM) on the International Space Station
(ISS) was modified for terrestrial use. There are a great
number of medically under-served regions on the Earth.
For example, high altitude climbers are at risk of serious
lung problems, because of the thin air at heights. This
photo shows a Swedish climber performing a
comprehensive chest ultrasound examination at
Advanced Base Camp on Mt. Everest. The climber
operator had never seen an ultrasound before and was
remotely guided to perform the examination over the
Internet via a satellite phone and a solar panel charged
portable ultrasound device. The exam was completed in
10 minutes and showed increased lung fluid because of
exposure to high altitudes. Scott A. Dulchavsky, MD, PhD,
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan image.
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