biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

may be limits to the capacity of exercise to maintain muscle and bone mass as well as cardiac
muscle strength on long-duration missions. The decrease in SCE is observed in space but not in
prolonged bed rest, suggesting it may be partly a nervous system response and not simply due
to disuse of the legs. Decreased SCE is therefore of high concern for long-duration missions and
will require more adequate countermeasures.

Watt DG. Effects of altered gravity on spinal cord excitability (final results). Bioastronautics
Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX; 2003.

Watt DG, Lefebvre L. Effects of altered gravity on spinal cord excitability. First Research on the
International Space Station. Conference and Exhibit on International Space Station Utilization,
Cape Canaveral, FL; 2001.

This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publication.

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