medical conditions on Earth where disorientation can be an important symptom, can provide
important information of the areas of the brain responsible, which could help with the
treatment of such conditions. The development of these electrophysiological experimental
protocols promises to provide a new tool for clinical testing of spatial cognition, altered in
pathological conditions and in normal aging.
Previous neuroscience research has highlighted various differences between perception on
Earth and in space. Without gravity to act as a stimulus, some of the most important neural
sensors in the body cannot provide the assistance they would normally provide for orientation
purposes. Astronauts therefore rely more heavily on visual perception for orientation. For this
reason understanding what altered visual perception occurs in weightlessness, and what areas
of the brain are responsible, is an important element in making sure that this does not present
any issues for undertaking mission activities, especially key activities such as spacewalks and
dockings/undockings. Results generated could form a key part of mission planning and
therefore optimize the chances of achieving all mission goals and secure optimal mission
success. It could also potentially feed into the design of equipment for use in orbit.
Data from the Neurospat experiment is currently being analyzed and processed prior to
Cheron G, Leroy A, de Saedeleer C, et al. Effect of gravity on human spontaneous 10-Hz
electroencephalographic oscillations during the arrest reaction. Brain Research.
2006;1121(1):104-116. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2006.08.098.
This investigation is ongoing and additional results are pending publication.
ESA’s Andre Kuipers performs his
first orbital the Effect of
Gravitational Context on EEG
Dynamics: A Study of Spacial
Cognition, Novelty Processing and
Sensorimotor Integration session.
Andre is wearing an
Electroencephalogram electrode
cap and optimizing channel
impedance of the electrodes before
starting measurements. NASA