methods for operational skill assessment, future predictions and improvement of crew
members’ skill performance, during flight.
Russian crew participants demonstrated a high level of professional skill training when
performing logical and spatial types of tasks, as well as adaptive biological control. During
preflight training, all subjects are able to successfully develop adaptive biological control skills
and learned to control their readiness skill when solving logical and spatial problems. When
solving spatial problems, the ABC effect was observed mostly starting from the third training
session. This was confirmed by the increase of the productivity indicators. When solving logical
problems, the ABC effect was observed starting from the third or fourth training session. By the
last training session, the ABC skill, when solving logical and spatial problems, had been
developed in all cosmonauts.
However, in spaceflight conditions, adaptive skill suffered in all subjects: the ABC effect was not
observed in the type of activity, which is difficult for the cosmonaut because of his particular
behavioral characteristics. The logical activity proved more difficult for most cosmonauts. Only
one subject was able to reproduce the ABC skill he had developed earlier when solving logical
problems in spaceflight conditions. It should also be mentioned that during postflight analysis,
the ABC skill, when solving spatial and logical problems, was expressed distinctly in almost all of
the subjects, regardless of how it was affected during spaceflight.
Antonov AA, Ershova TA. Effect of adaptive biological control session on the indicators of
modeled activity in the experiment Mars – 105. Aviakosmicheskaia i Ekologicheskaia Meditsina
(Aerospace and Environmental Medicine). 2010;44(4):17-23.
Antonov AA, Ershova TA. Preservation of the ABC skill when controlling the process of
synchronizing the bioelectrical activity of the human cerebral cortex in an argon-nitrogen-
oxygen environment with various concentrations of oxygen. Aviakosmicheskaia i
Ekologicheskaia Meditsina (Aerospace and Environmental Medicine). 2009;43(5):27-31.
Savchenko VV. Feedback mechanisms when supporting the operator’s functionality in the
“human-machine” system, when in a state of readiness to perform experimental activity.
Zhurnal Sistemnyi Analiz i Upravleniye s Biomeditzinskikh Sistemakh (System Analysis and
Control in Biomedical Systems). 2005;5(4):477-481.
Tipologia Perfection
Antonov AA. Adaptive control method based on biofeedback of values for spatial cortex zones
synchronization activity as operator maintenance asset. Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya
Meditsina (Aerospace and Environmental Medical Science). 2007;41(2):21-28.
This investigation is complete and all results are published.