biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

particle tracking were combined to obtain a better understanding of unsteady, 3-D flow fields in
a (standing or traveling wave) oscillatory state. As the result, it was observed that the flow
patterns change from a 2-D axisymmetric steady flow to a 3-D non-axisymmetric unsteady flow,
when the temperature difference exceeds a certain level. Temperature difference along the
free (unbound) surface produces surface tension gradient, so that warmer material will move
toward a cooler along the surface, which process is known as thermocapillary convection.
Depending upon surface boundary conditions, the fluid movement may be uniform and steady
or become wobbly and unstable. The MEIS hardware setup is designed to identify these critical
conditions. In microgravity, it is possible to form floating silicone oil columns many times larger
than on Earth allowing for a highly detailed study of convection and instability within these
“liquid bridges” (LBs).

Yano T, Nishino K, Kawamura H, Ueno I, Matsumoto S. Instability and associated roll structure
of Marangoni convection in high Prandtl number liquid bridge with large aspect ratio. Physics of
Fluids. 2015;27(2)024108. doi: 10.1063/1.4908042.

Sato F, Ueno I, Kawamura H, et al. Hydrothermal wave instability in a high-aspect-ratio liquid
bridge of Pr > 200. Microgravity Science and Technology. 2013;25(1):43-58. doi:

Kawamura H, Nishino K, Matsumoto S, Ueno I. Report on microgravity experiments of
Marangoni convection aboard International Space Station. Journal of Heat Transfer.
2012;134(3):031005-1-031005-13. doi: 10.1115/1.4005145.

Goto M, Sakagami K, Matsumoto S, Ohkuma H. Entering “A NEW REALM” of KIBO Payload
Operations - Continuous efforts for microgravity experiment environment and lessons learned
from real time experiment operations in KIBO. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
2011;327(012054):1-13. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/327/1/012054.

Yano T, Nishino K, Kawamura H, et al. Space experiment on the instability of Marangoni
convection in large liquid bridge-MEIS-4: Effect of Prandtl number. Journal of Physics:
Conference Series. 2011;327. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/327/1/012029.

Yano T, Nishino K, Kawamura H, et al. Three-D flow measurement of oscillatory thermocapillary
convection in liquid bridge in MEIS. Japan Society of Microgravity Application. 2011;28(2):126-

Yano T, Nishino K, Kawamura H, et al. Three-D PTV measurement of Marangoni convection in
liquid bridge in space experiment. Experiments in Fluids. 2011;53(1):9-20. doi: 10.1007/s00348-

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