Adachi S, Yoshizaki I, Ishikawa T, Shimaoka T. Stable growth of ice crystals under microgravity.
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Vol. 12, No. ists29.
Yoshizaki I, Ishikawa T, Adachi S, Yokoyama E, Furukawa Y. Precise measurements of dendrite
growth of ice crystals in microgravity. Microgravity Science and Technology. 2012;24(4):245-
- doi: 10.1007/s12217- 012 -9306-9.
Adachi S, Yoshizaki I, Ishikawa T, Yokoyama E, Furukawa Y, Shimaoka T. Stable growth
mechanisms of ice disk crystals in heavy water. Physical Review E. November
2011;84(5):051605. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.051605.
Yokoyama E, Yoshizaki I, Shimaoka T, Sone T, Kiyota T, Furukawa Y. Measurements of growth
rates of an ice crystal from supercooled heavy water under microgravity conditions: Basal face
growth rate and tip velocity of a dendrite. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2011;115(27):8739-
- doi: 10.1021/jp110634t.
Yokoyama E, Sekerka R, Furukawa Y. Growth of an ice disk: Dependence of critical thickness for
disk instability on supercooling of water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. April 9, 2009;
113(14):4733-4738. doi: 10.1021/jp809808r.
This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publication.