dioxide, methanol, ethanol, and perfluoro propane (PFP)
were in close agreement with grab sample readings.
After extensive cross-checking and analyses, ANITA’s
estimates for carbon monoxide, methane, and sulphur
hexafluoride (SF 6 ) showed from small to large
differences from the grab sample analyses; however, the
origin of these differences are unknown. Freon 11 and
Halon 1301 were both measured at low levels by ANITA
and the grab samples but with higher values from
ANITA. Designed to detect and quantify 33 gas
compounds in the air, ANITA’s first measurements on ISS
gave warnings for gas compounds the system was not
calibrated for since significant concentrations were not
expected. The previously unknown presence of the gas
SF 6 , a chemical used in certain medical investigations,
was discovered by ANITA in the ISS atmosphere. ANITA
also detected a leak of Freon 218, also known as PFP,
from the Russian air conditioner and was used to
monitor the timeline of PFP concentrations in relation to
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) operations and shuttle docking. The ANITA data
helped to determine that the zeolite bed in the CDRA was not effective in scrubbing the PFP
leak from the air, but that dilution of the ISS air after shuttle docking did substantially reduce
the level of PFP. Prior to ANITA, PFP levels in the ISS atmosphere had only been estimated
(Honne 2008, 2009, 2011; Stuffler 2009).
Honne A, Schumann-Olsen H, Kaspersen K, Mosebach H, Kampf D. ANITA – an FTIR-based
continuous air quality monitoring system on the ISS (International Space Station). Applied
Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, Toronto, Canada; 2011.
Honne A, Schumann-Olsen H, Kaspersen K, et al. ANITA air monitoring on the International
Space Station part 2: Air analyses. SAE International Journal of Aerospace. 2009;1(1):178-192.
doi: 10.4271/2008- 01 -2043.
Honne A, Schumann-Olsen H, Kaspersen K, et al. Evaluation of ANITA air monitoring on the
International Space Station. SAE International Journal of Aerospace. 2009;4(1):451-466. doi:
Stuffler T, Mosebach H, Kampf D, et al. Advanced ISS air monitoring – The ANITA and ANITA2
Missions. SAE International Journal of Aerospace. July 12, 2009;2009-01-2523. doi:
10.4271/ 2009 -01-2523.
ISS015E32200 - Clay Anderson using the
sampling pump and 2.5 liter gas sample
bag for the ANITA experiment in the Node