biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Research Area: Food and Clothing Systems
Expedition(s): 10 and 11
Principal Investigator(s): ● Olindo Temperini, Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo Agricolo
del Lazio (ARSIAL), Rome, Italy

The objective of the Food Tray in Space experiment is to increase the variety and quality of food
available to crews in space, more specifically the International Space Station (ISS). The Food
Tray in Space experiment was demonstrating that food items, produced from high-quality
products, are tasty and nutritious and don’t lose their quality under spaceflight conditions.

As part of the experiment, ESA
astronaut Roberto Vittori completed a
feedback form, which covered 3

  1. Did the products change
    characteristics (smell, taste,

  2. Would you change anything in
    the food tray (quantity, form
    and type)?

  3. Would you include items on
    the ISS menu?

While the first question provided no
change in any characteristics of any of
the food items, the nougat did prove
too crumbly to be easily eaten in response to the second question. Preferences were also
provided for the final question.

This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publication.

Food items from the Food Tray in Space experiment. ESA image.
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