Research Area: Imaging Technology
Expedition(s): 16- 20
Principal Investigator(s): ● Massimo Sabbatini, European Space Research and Technology
Centre, Noordwijk, Netherlands
The main goal of the The European Technology Exposure Facility-Earth Viewing Camera (EuTEF-
EVC) system is to capture color images of the Earth’s surface to be used as a tool to increase
general public awareness of the International
Space Station (ISS) and promote the use of the
ISS to the potential user community for
observation purposes. The Earth Viewing
Camera forms part of an overall program of
development and testing of imaging
technologies for extreme environments.
Following activation of the Earth Viewing
Camera in orbit, the camera experienced some
problems of overexposure and lack of resolution
in pictures produced that could have been due
to mis-alignment of the optics in the
integration/launch phase, as well as an
unpredictable data link problem. That being
said, important data was gathered within the
Earth Viewing Camera project that could help
with the possible future development of external
camera technologies.
This investigation is complete; however no publications are expected.
Second Image to be generated by the Earth Viewing
Camera. ESA image.