disturbances from typical sources of external loads, based on the measurements of acceleration
parameters in various modes.
In order to identify sources of micro-gravitational disturbances and other off-nominal dynamic
loads on the ISS structure, methodological and software/algorithmic means were developed for
mathematically recreating unknown parameters of external force loads, based on analysis of
telemetry from onboard microacceleration sensors. Inverse problems of this type are of
independent interest and have important applications in various areas of technology. It was
established that during dynamic operations, the level of loading on the structures of modules
did not exceed design values.
Likhoded AI, Vvedenskiy NY, Anisimov AV, Safronov VN, Titov VA. Regulatory structure and
mathematical modeling of actual loads and assessment of the depletion of the mechanical
lifetime of the structure of the International Space Station’s Russian Segment. Kosmonavtika i
Raketostroyeniye. 2011;1(162):74-79.
Anisimov AV, Likhoded AI. Computational reconstruction of actual docking force loads on the
structure of the International Space Station based on processing readings from onboard
accelerometers. Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering).
Panichkin N, Vvedensky N, Likhoded A, Anisimov A. Identification of unsanctioned external
forces on ISS structure in abnormal situations through telemetry data. 55 th International
Astronautical Congress, Vancouver, Canada; 2004;IAC-04.T.P.02.
This investigation is ongoing and additional results are pending publication.