Research Area: Microgravity Environment Measurement
Expedition(s): 8 and 9
Principal Investigator(s): ● G. van Essen, TeleMetronics Biomedical, Wageningen,
The main goal of the Mouse Telemeter - Calibration of Star
Accelerometer experiment is to test mouse abdomen implanted
temperature sensors under weightless conditions with recorded
movements of the subject, focusing on autonomous calibration of
the accelerometers.
The right-hand graph shows the experiment’s results performed on
Earth, the left-hand graph in orbit. Sequentially, the Mouse Telemeter was moved as indicated in
3 orthogonal positions (to test the 3 orthogonal accelerometers). From the graphs, it became
clear that the accelerometers acted the same way on Earth as under microgravity conditions.
Unfortunately, the X-axis accelerometer did not respond during the space experiment. The only
logical conclusion is that a malfunction occurred in the X-axis accelerometer or in the subsequent
electronics. Further, the vertical lines at the left side of the space graph do not occur on the
terrestrial graph. They may be caused by repeatedly on and off switching before the tests. The
conclusion from the experiment was that the piezo electric accelerometers tested are suitable for
use in the STAR mouse implant developed for ESA by TeleMetronics Biomedical.
van Essen G, Masseling BH, Jansen MB, van Loon JJWA. Monitor activity, temperature, and
heart rate with a mouse telemeter to be used for animal research on board the international
space station. Journal of Gravitational Physiology. 2005;12(1):281-283.
This investigation is complete and all results are published.
Mouse Telemeter. Image
courtesy of ESA.