Research Area: Radiation Impacts on Humans
Expedition(s): 4
Principal Investigator(s): ● Marco Casolino, PhD, University of Roma Tor Vergata,
Rome, Italy
● Livio Narici, PhD, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
The Space Radiation Effects on the Central Nervous System (Alteino) Sileye-3 device studies the
flow of cosmic particles on the International Space Station (ISS) through the extremes of activity
of the 11-year solar cycle, building valuable data on solar particle events, secondary particles,
and particle showers. A focus of this research is to understand the effect space radiation has on
human brain function by combining a silicon particle detector with EEG data for measurements
on brain function and astronaut feedback on visual disturbance.
The cosmic-ray detector was placed in the Pirs
module. From the particle acquisition rate
observed with Sileye-3, it was possible to see
the radiation characteristics due to the station’s
passage between the low-latitude regions
(geomagnetic equator), where the rate is lowest
and the high-latitude regions, where the
geomagnetic cut-off is lower and particle rate is
higher. The highest peaks were observed during
passage in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA).
The data showed high energy (Ekin>100 MeV)
events, obtained requiring that the energy
released in the first and the last planes does not
differ more than 20% and plotting the total
energy released in the telescope. At relativistic energies, the energy lost in the silicon detectors
was negligible if compared to the kinetic energy of the particles and therefore the energy loss in
the silicon planes was constant and proportional to Z^2 (the square of the electric charge). The
highest peak was due to protons and helium, composing more than 90% of observed radiation.
Casolino M. Cosmic ray investigations during the marco polo and eneide missions with the
sileye-3/alteino experiment. Microgravity Science and Technology. September 2007;19(5-6):49-
- doi: 10.1007/BF02919452.
Casolino M, Bidoli V, Minori M, et al. Relative nuclear abundances inside ISS with Sileye-
3/Alteino experiment. Advances in Space Research. 2006;37(9):1685-1690. doi:
The Alteino apparatus is mounted inside the Pirs
module aboard the International Space Station.
ESA image