and therefore detected the whistler waves, the satellite in SEITE 2 was well outside the whistler
cone. Also like SEITE 1, a broad band of high amplitude noise was observed following the initial
EMP during SEITE 2. The noise detected during the SEITE experiments demonstrated that a
large number of electrostatic waves are produced after initially neutral rocket exhaust products
are converted to high speed ions (Bernhardt 2012). Findings from SEITE will be used to develop
quantitative models of plasma disturbance that can affect tracking and imaging radars.
Bernhardt P, Ballenthin J, Baumgardner J, et al. Ground and space-based measurement of
rocket engine burns in the Ionosphere, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2012;40, pp 1267–
- doi: 10.1109/TPS.2012.2185814.
This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publication.