A Thousand Splendid Suns

(annejet98) #1

The ground lurched beneath her feet.
Something hot and powerful slammed into her from behind. It knocked her out of her
sandals. Lifted her up. And now she was flying, twisting and rotating in the air, seeing sky,
then earth, then sky, then earth. A big burning chunk of wood whipped by. So did a
thousand shards of glass, and it seemed to Laila that she could see each individual one
flying all around her, flipping slowly end over end, the sunlight catching in each. Tiny,
beautiful rainbows.
Then Laila struck the wall. Crashed to the ground. On her face and arms, a shower of dirt
and pebbles and glass. The last thing she was aware of was seeing something thud to the
ground nearby. A bloody chunk of something. On it, the tip of a red bridge poking through
thick fog.

Shapes moving about. A fluorescent light shines from the ceiling above. A woman's face
appears, hovers over hers.
Laila fades back to the dark.

Another face. This time a man's. His features seem broad and droopy. His lips move but
make no sound. All Laila hears is ringing.
The man waves his hand at her. Frowns. His lips move again.

It hurts. It hurts to breathe. It hurts everywhere.
A glass of water. A pink pill.
Back to the darkness.

The woman again. Long face, narrow set eyes. She says something. Laila can't hear
anything but the ringing. But she can see the words, like thick black syrup, spilling out of
the woman's mouth.
Her chest hurts. Her arms and legs hurt.
All around, shapes moving.
Where is Tariq?
Why isn't he here?
Darkness. A flock of stars.

Babi and she, perched somewhere high up. He is pointing to a field of barley. A generator
comes to life.
The long faced woman is standing over her looking down.
It hurts to breathe.
Somewhere, an accordion playing.
Mercifully, the pink pill again. Then a deep hush. A deep hush falls over everything.

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