A Thousand Splendid Suns

(annejet98) #1

that He may try you. Or when he'd said of her own guilt, These thoughts are no good,
Mariam jo. They will destroy you. It wasn't your fault It wasn't your fault.
What could she say to this girl that would ease her burden?
As it turned out, Mariam didn't have to say anything. Because the girl's face twisted, and
she was on all fours then saying she was going to be sick.
"Wait! Hold on. I'll get a pan. Not on the floor. I just cleaned...Oh. Oh. Khodaya. God."

Then one day, about a month after the blast that killed the girl's parents, a man came
knocking. Mariam opened the door. He stated his business.

"There is a man here to see you," Mariam said.
The girl raised her head from the pillow.
"He says his name is Abdul Sharif."
"I don't know any Abdul Sharif."
"Well, he's here asking for you. You need to come down and talk to him."

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