(Pride Chekera) #1

Schrodinger gedanken cat experiment

Erwin Schrödinger proposed a paradox to this bizarre arising in
quantum mechanics, the so-called Schrödinger cat gedanken
experiment. Suppose we take a live cat and put in a box, in
which we also put a radioactive particle and a Geiger rate
counter. We close the box.

According to Schrödinger, we can't tell whether the particle
decay or not or the cat is dead or life provided we don't observe
this system. But, there is an ‘array’ of possibilities he called the
wave function of probabilities, which define a superposition
state of the system, in this case a cat. Therefore, there is a
probability that the cat is both dead and alive at the same time!

This means without observing the cat we can't know its single
real state, unless we open the box and found the cat whether
dead or alive. At this moment of observation, the wave function
of probabilities collapses, giving a single real state of the
system, in this case a cat. This loss of coherence is called
quantum decoherence.

The Copenhagen Interpretation

This was enhanced by Borh into the Copenhagen interpretation
of quantum mechanics; saying that without observation there is

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