(Pride Chekera) #1

The weirdness of the quantum world was also darting on his
hippocampus that he found a way to find the objective truth
residing within the heart of the world of the small.
But how he was going to do this if reality doesn't exist without
observation? How you can see what is behind a curtain with
removing it? That's what John Bell actually did. Unraveling the
mystery of reality.

At one-time Bell famously said, "Borh was inconsistent, unclear,
willfully obscure and right. Einstein was consistent, clear, down-
to-earth and wrong.' In 1964, Bell published his ideas, but were
totally ignored at that moment.
From his publication, he had expounded an equation:

P(a,c) - P(b,a) - P(b,c) ≤ 1.

According to this equation, if an experiment was to be carried
out involving crystals which converts lasers into entangled
quanta of light or photons and measure a property of light called
polarization, and outcomes to be inserted in the above equation,
a result less than 2 would prove Einstein correct and greater than
2 would prove Borh correct.

About ten years after John Bell published his theory, an
American physicist, John Clauser and Alan Expert, constructed
a machine to test John Bell's idea.

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