(Pride Chekera) #1

Thus Michio Kaku said, "...instead of memorizing hundreds and
hundreds of 'God Particles', just say, String theory." With the
latter, we probed matter to deepest scales beyond quantum
scales. This implies that, strings are fundamental entities of

I like the following example given by the String Theorist Brian
Greene when he was giving a description of the String Theory in
a nutshell:

Let's say l have an orange and magnify it; l will see molecules
which made the orange. This is just the beginning, l will do the
same at much greater magnification, l will observe the atoms
which built the molecules, magnifying beyond this scale, l will
see protons, neutrons and electrons building the atom. This is a
magnification of 10 −^15 m to 10 −^18 m (1 Fermi, proton size to
0.001 Fermi, electron size).
Extremely magnifying these subatomic particles l will observe
smallest particles, quarks inside protons and neutrons. An
electron is just a fundamental particle on its own, which is
nothing other than a one dimensional string vibrating with a
certain oscillation mode (Note: a proton is made of two up
quarks and one down quark, then a neutron is made of two down
quarks and one up quark).
Probing deep inside quarks, l will only see nothing other than
one dimensional vibrating low energy strings of certain unique

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