(Pride Chekera) #1

oscillation modes. Thus if we bring all these vibrating strings
together, they will form the initial orange.

This is the elegant of physics, as elegant as it is expressed by
astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. At smallest scales,
everything we call real seems to be made of something, logically
seems not real.

The elegant string theory

Grand unification of three gauge bosons into one, and 5
multiplets of fermion generations into two or even one. As l
talked above about Kaluza-Klein theory, it was the best
candidate which led us to string theory.
The Kaluza-Klein mechanism gave a bravo framework for
unification, as it stated that a higher dimensional field can give
rise to many 4- dimensional fields differing in their polarization
and to small dimensions. In such a framework gravity would be
elegantly unified with the three gauge bosons.

Supersymmetry relates fields of different spins and statistics and
also solved naturalness and divergence problems. That's how
string theory emerged, higher energy physics beyond energies
we currently achieve at Large Hadron Collider.

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