(Pride Chekera) #1

with the zeal to comprehend everything around us. Every day
astronomers peer through telescopes, radio astronomers listen to
radio signals from outer space, cosmologists study the cosmic
existence, its evolution and fate.

Physics had enhanced a lot that it paved a way for us to probe
deep into the scales of matter. As Quantum mechanics got on the
physics podium in 20th century, enormous particle accelerators
were built, as the 27km circumference Large Hadron Collider
near Geneva in Switzerland, and other synchrocyclotrons across
the world, to probe into the deepest scales of nature.
Physics was then divided into physics of the small and physics
of the large. Particle physicists dug into this realm, unraveling
the beauty of nature hidden in its fundamental entities, searching
for the unitary explanation of the behavior of classical bodies
basing on their microscopic constituency and how they interact
with one another due to the forces acting amongst them.
In this quest, the Standard Model of Particle Physics became the
promising elementary description of the blocks of matter,
dethroning Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of elements. The atom
was no longer the fundamental block, nor its sub atomic
particles, but there was something to be noted beyond, quarks
primary particles of matter.
Atoms were ‘smashed’ in colliders into their fundamental
blocks, distractible events at very high energy scales, forming
even other weirder particles. Physicists had practically done this

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