(Pride Chekera) #1

Part 9:

The ‘death’ of the cosmos

"Is the universe finite or infinite? Will
the Big Bang end in a Big Crunch? Peter Coles, COSMOLOGY: A
Very Short Introduction.

In 1979, Alan Guth discovered that our universe must have
existed from an inflationary scenario of an extremely dense
small region of space-time. The all sky map of CMB
conspicuously show the uniformity of the universe at large scale
structures. This uniformity had been maintained, the
homogeneity and isotropy of the universe. According to Guth
the intense force imposed by this inflation caused the expansion
of space, stretching it out, of which now is almost flat. But the
most bizarre thing was that, this expansion was really
accelerating as l already discussed about this above. It was
theorized that there must be a vacuum pressure causing this
accelerating expansion in which galaxies are moving far apart.
Thus the expansion we witness now is not the expansion of
space, but the recession of celestial bodies apart. This vacuum
pressure, an anti-gravity force, was named dark energy. And

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