(Pride Chekera) #1

Although our universe seems to be in a positively curved space,
it is a partially flat space. With the discovery of dark energy and
dark matter, theorists theorized that the fate of our universe
depends on the value of the cosmological constant and the
density of dark matter. We have different models of this fate
which include Big Crunch, Big Rip, Big Freeze and Big Bounce.
Let us look at these fate one by one and witness how the cosmos
will be horrific in its last moments.

Big Crunch and Big Bounce

The abnormally high orbital velocities of stars in galaxies,
incompatible with the total gravity of the visible matter in those
regions led physicists to the conclusion that about 95% of matter
is invisible, it is not baryonic, it is strange. It doesn’t interact
with baryonic matter. The observed gravitational effects it
imposed was the proof that the vast of the universe in that
visible part of our universe is beyond our sight. This dark matter
is responsible for much of the density of our cosmos. When it
happens in future that the gravitational strength of the universe
exaggerates and overcome the opposing effects of dark energy,
due to increase in density of dark matter, the fate of our universe
will be a big crunch. The universe will gravitationally collapse
for a long period of time, as stars explode into white dwarfs,
neutrons, black holes. Quadrillion years into the future, what
will just have left behind are stellar black holes. No intelligent

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