(Pride Chekera) #1

Can we escape cosmic cataclysmic catastrophes?

We can only save our species when we have enough technology
to probe deep into the universe, learning much about extrasolar
planets, and discover those with possibility of harboring life. We
have many satellites in space including Kepler Space telescope
and Chandra X which had been involved in this quest of
discovering extraterrestrial planets known as exoplanets.
Thousands of them had been discovered through transit and
radial velocity method.

In future when we invented antimatter driven spaceships, ram
jets, and warp drives we will be able to visit remote exoplanets,
such as Proxima B in Alpha Centauri a trio-star system about 4
light years away from us. Humanity will terraform those planets
into habitable arenas, thus we will become a multiplanetary
species occupying civilization Type 2 on Kardashev scale. By
that time, we will be able to harness energy of a star through use
of Dyson Sphere or Dyson swarm.

With advancement of human technology, thousands if not
millions of years to come, humans will reach Type 3
civilization, a galactic civilization able to harness energy of a
galaxy. Instead of being galactic, by that time they will be
multigalactic species, guidance of the galaxy. That's the beauty
of physics is embedded also in our survival, with it we can
escape cosmic tragedies.

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