(Pride Chekera) #1

The Big Bang, is like the murder incident, and the blood stains
or fingerprints, are like Cosmic Microwave Background
radiation (CMBr), the remnant of the ‘hot big bang incident.’
The murderer who committed the crime, in this case, resembles
an inflationary field which caused an inflation of a dense
‘fireball,’ that’s the big bang. What is left behind, CMBr
(fingerprints) is ample evidence for us to conclude that an
inflationary field caused inflation of a fireball into a big bang
(the intruder is the murderer).
Physics is beauty that with it we can have the pictorial scene of
the ‘murder crime’. To us the incident is no longer due to some
‘bad omens’ or ‘divine spirits’, as it seems to ancients; thanks to
physics and discovered theories and laws, we have the whole
picture. The power and beauty of physics is manifested in its
language, mathematics. A field adorned with equations,
sentences of numbers, variables, operations and symbols
interwoven into an architecture of the cosmos. May Sarton
(1912-1995) nourished the above by saying, “I see a certain
order in the universe and math is one way of making it visible.”
Godfrey. H. Hardy, in his book, A MATHEMATICIAN’S

I believe that mathematical reality lies outside us, that our
function is to discover and observe it, and that the theorems
which we prove, and which we describe grandiloquently as our

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