(Pride Chekera) #1

achieving this, maybe thousands if not millions of years. Science
fiction writers (my favorite of all time being Isaac Asimov’s
Foundation Trilogy) and sci-fi movie directors always tried by
all means to clearly show where the world is going. What it was
yesterday is not what it is today and what it is today is not what
is going to be tomorrow.

Remember at the start of this short essay, l introduced you to the
beauty of physics with a good example of Xi's society in the
movie 'The Gods Must Be Crazy,' comparing Xi's society and
Setmans' society, it’s a thousand years different. In Xi's society
the world had few people, it was not populated like today, they
didn't know anything about phones, computers or even that
drink you like most, they were a Type 0 civilization. They just
lived a simple life.
If Xi was here today, he would see us as gods taking human
nature as he did in that movie.

‘Guardians of the galaxy’

Sci-fi movies are a wonderful source of fantasies which can
stimulate one’s mind to think out of the box, to wire one’s mind
to the external world. Guardians of the Galaxy is one of those
movies majestically furnished with the august portrayal of the
future world, maybe thousands to millions of years to come. l
wonder, so one day in future we will be a galactic species,
travelling across our galaxy. It seems so that we will be able to

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