(Pride Chekera) #1

Alan Guth, reached a point, where he pondered, and finally
concluded that, at first the universe was a condensed small,
uniform, dense ‘fireball,’ which inflated maintaining the
uniformity. This caused the observed acceleration of the
universe in its expansion which stretches the fabric of space for
so long that, now is almost flat. This was tested, and validated
with data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrope Probe
(WMAP), Cosmic Observation Background Exploratory
(COBE) and Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMBr)
studies. That's what marks the difference between science and
theological philosophies driven by faith (pretending to know
what one doesn't know).

Was our universe tuned?

Of all this, one of the biggest question which we had struggled
to clearly answer is: Was our universe designed by an
omnipotent designer?
In Preface part of this book, l brushed off this issue, as l put
forward that of all knowledge of science and philosophy we
have, of all burdens swarming out of the firmament to beckon on
us, we have ample amount of evidence to put aside the fine-
tuning hypothesis.

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