(Pride Chekera) #1

As for me, when l look into the universe, when l ponder to
deepest scales of things, when l observe the beauty of physics,
l'm not convinced that we are in a predestined or fine-tuned
A fine-tuned cosmos is the one in which the values of the
fundamental constants of nature (e.g. Gravitational constant and
Plank constant) are said to be tuned that way, with those
consistent values, by a tuner for the cosmos to exist.
It is the universe in which baryonic asymmetry and CP violation
are tunings meant for the existence of the cosmos.
It is the universe in which the Big Bang is a way the designer
used to create the universe.
At all harbors of knowledge, these are common arguments put
forward by supporters of fine-tuning, those who hail at whom
they regard as an omnibenevolent designer.

I mean people of faith, those who think their omnipotent 'master'
is behind the existence of everything, those who faithfully
believe that life is meaningless if that 'grand master' is absent.
What is most interesting about people of faith is that, they
originally believed that the universe and Earth were created at
same instant, some 4000 years ago, and regarded Earth as the
center of the cosmos.
After Galileo proved the heliocentric model and Georges
Lemaitre discovered the Big Bang theory, people of faith turned
to scientific discoveries proposing that, all of these scenarios are

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