(Pride Chekera) #1

This all, can be traced to a certain day, when Newton was sitting
under an apple tree. He was struggling with his mind, when,
suddenly, an apple falls down from the tree to the ground in
front of him (it’s an apocalypse that an apple hit his head). I'm
not convinced that, that was the instant when an idea of a
strange force popped in his mind, but only this might be an
enhancement of an idea which was already in ‘Brownian
motion’ in his mind. Why the apple falls down? Not upwards, or
sideways. What caused it to fall down to the ground?

Laws of motion

After some rigorous studies, Newton discovered the force of
gravity, l briefly discussed above. He used calculus to calculate
the acceleration due to gravity which is 9.81m/s². This means
when a person falls from an airplane, his velocity always
increases by 9.81m/s per every second. And a point is reached
when the velocity is constant, that's the terminal velocity. That's
why when you jump, you come back to the ground, because of
gravity. This is the fundamental basis of Newtonian mechanics,
which involves his three laws of motion which are:
(1) A body in rest remains in rest and a body in motion remains
in motion unless acted upon by a net force; this is in line with
Galileo's predictions.
(2) Forces causes acceleration.
(3) Actions and reactions are equal but opposite.

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