(Pride Chekera) #1

physics. This became a barrier of the theory, it’s a limit as
singularities in general relativity.

Muons and Special Relativity

But despite that, special relativity had been tested and verified
using atomic clocks that at speeds of a fraction of c the clocks
slow down.
A muon is a twin of an electron but about 200 times heavier than
an electron, was used in the experimentation of the validity of
special relativity. Muons have very short half-life of 2.2
microseconds and mean life time of 1.56 microseconds.
Theoretically, it was thought that there were produced at about
600km above Earth's surface in cosmic rays.
According to their mean life time and half-life, there must be no
muons registered in physics labs as the muons must have
decayed before they reach the surface due to their very low
mean life time. But when an experiment was carried out,
ironically, it was found that there is a 0.06% chance of finding
muons in physics lab. This was a greater chance such that some
muons were detected.
How come muons with such very small mean life time were able
to travel a distance of about 500km? This was a bizarre. But, it
was known that muons travel at 98% the speed of light. Of
course, special relativity was in play. Half-life of muons was

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