(Pride Chekera) #1

deduced from solutions of EFE, which shaped our understanding
of the cosmos. This is a great story which was sparked in 20th
century and had been on the table top since then up to now, with
remarkable modifications and new discoveries along the way.
This story always fascinates me that it stimulates my
sympathetic part enhancing my wireless connection to the
external world and always keeps me awake at night.

Einstein, “ biggest blunder.”

In 1917, Einstein published a paper basing on the Cosmological
Principle a modification of his field equation. When he
published his 1915 paper, he noticed that the universe described
by his equations was not stable, and must be isotropic,
homogenous and stationary.
According to his equations, due to the mass-energy density of
the cosmos, gravity would dominate to such an extent that
everything will be pulled towards one another, leading to a
gravitational collapse of the universe in future.
According to Einstein, from his own perceptive and imagination,
there must be an antigravity force which must be a repulsive
force, thus it and gravity would be in a balanced tug war such
that the net force of gravity becomes zero, and collapse halted,
thus the universe became stationery.
So to satisfy this, Einstein added a term known as the

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