(Pride Chekera) #1

In 1931, Einstein went on to regret about the cosmological
constant, and called it his greatest blunder. From then, it was
known that the universe was not stationery, but, indeed,
dynamic, expanding and homogeneity and isotropic maintained
at large scale structures not at small scales in which the universe
has conspicuously distinct patches of mass distribution.

The Big Bang became a leading theory of the genesis of our
universe, as physicists begun to believe that the universe might
had existed from a bang.
But no one had a better explanation of how the bang occurred
and how the uniformity of the universe was maintained since the
bang to date at large cosmic structures.

That was a question which was later answered by the
Inflationary theory in 1970s deduced by Alan Guth.

George Gamow, Ralph Alpha and Hermann Bond were some of
the Big Bang enthusiasts, who proposed that from that bang and
initial conditions, lighter elements were formed which later form
interstellar dusts which gravitationally collapse forming stars
glowing due to nuclear fusion reactions.

This was true for elements with proton numbers up to eight only,
not heavier elements to iron. That was a fatal blow on Big Bang,
and a new model of the universe was proposed, the Steady State
theory in which the universe is eternal without a beginning,

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