Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Psychotropic Agents 99

is discussed in chapter ‘Sedative and

They have selective action on limbic sys-
tem and have little effect on other body sys-
tems. They help in improving the anxiety and
stress related symptoms. They are widely
used because of lower dependence produc-
ing liability and wide margin of safety.



It belongs to azapirones which is chemi-
cally and pharmacologically distinct class.
It acts as a partial agonist at serotonin and
dopamine receptors and having no hypnotic
and sedative action. It does not interact with
benzodiazepine receptor or modify GABA-
ergic transmission.

It is rapidly absorbed and undergoes
extensive first pass metabolism and excreted
through kidney and faeces.

It is used in short-term management of
anxiety disorders and relief of symptoms of
anxiety with or without accompanying de-

Adverse effects include headache, ex-
citement, tachycardia, palpitation (may raise

BP in patients on MAO inhibitors), nervous-
ness, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, fa-
tigue, sweating etc.


It is antihistaminic agent having anti-
emetic, sedative, anticholinergic and local
anaesthetic property. Used in anxiety, pru-
ritus and dermatoses; as an adjunct therapy
in acute/ chronic alcoholism.
Side effects include epigastric distress,
nausea and impaired alertness.

Beta blockers provide symptomatic re-
lief by decreasing the symptoms due to sym-
pathetic overactivity e.g. palpitation, trem-
ors, rise in BP, etc. They may be used as ad-
juvant to benzo-diazepines.

They are classified into two main categories
e.g. MAO inhibitors and tricyclic/tetracyclic
antidepressants as in table 2.5.3.

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is an intra-
cellular enzyme and metabolizes intracellu-

Table 2.5.2: Classification of antianxiety drugs.

I. Benzodiazepines
Diazepam, lorazepam, oxazepam, alprazolam. Details are already given in chapter ‘Sedative and hypnotics’
along with trade name and dose also.
II. Azapirones
Buspirone (BUSPIDAC) 5-15 BD-TDS
Hydroxyzine (ATARAX) 25-100 mg TDS-QID
Beta blockers e.g. propranolol.
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