Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1

The sympathomimetic or adrenergic or
adrenomimetic drugs mimic the effects of
adrenergic sympathetic nerve stimulation.
These are the important group of
therapeutic agents which may be used to
maintain blood pressure and in certain cases
of severe bronchial asthma.

The sympathomimetics are classified as
in table 3.1.1.

Mechanism of Action and Adrenoceptors

The catecholamines produce their action by
direct combination with receptors located on
the cell membrane. In 1948, Ahlquist divided
the adrenergic receptors into two main groups

  • alpha and beta. The alpha receptor stimulation
    produces excitatory effect and beta receptor
    stimulation usually produces inhibitory effect.

Adrenergic receptors: These are
membrane bound G-protein coupled
receptors which function primarily by
increasing or decreasing the intracellular
production of second messengers cAMP or
inositol triphosphate (IP 3 )/diacylglycerol
(DAG). Adrenergic receptors are classified
into two main groups α and β.

Alpha receptors: There are two major
groups of alpha receptors, α 1 and α 2.
Activation of postsynaptic α 1 receptors
increases the intracellular concentration of
calcium by activation of a phospholipase C
in the cell membrane via G protein. α 2
receptor is responsible for inhibition of renin
release from the kidney and for central a-
adrenergically mediated blood pressure
Beta receptors: On the basis of the
relative selectivity and potency of both
agonists and antagonists, three types of beta
receptors can be distinguished.
a. Beta 1 receptors have approximately
equal affinity for adrenaline and
noradrenaline and are responsible for
myocardial stimulation and renin
b. Beta 2 receptors have a higher affinity
for adrenaline than for noradrenaline
and are responsible for bronchial
muscle relaxation, skeletal muscle
vasodilatation and uterine relaxation.
Dopamine receptors: The D 1 receptor is
typically associated with the stimulation of





(Adrenergic Agents)(Adrenergic Agents)(Adrenergic Agents)(Adrenergic Agents)(Adrenergic Agents)


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