Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
158 Section 3/ Drugs Acting on ANS

thus reduces intraocular pressure. Thus it is
useful in treatment of glaucoma.

Pilocarpine when given IV increases the
flow from salivary gland and other exocrine
glands. Bronchial smooth muscle and
intestinal smooth muscle contract. Small
doses generally cause fall in BP, but higher
doses elicit rise in BP and tachycardia (which
is due to ganglionic stimulation).

Therapeutic Uses

a. Open angle glaucoma.
b. Angle closure glaucoma.
c. Ocular surgery.
d. To counteract mydriasis.
e. Diagnosis of Adie’s tonic pupil.
f. Accommodative esotropia.

Adverse Reactions

  1. Potentially life threatening effects: Some
    commercially available preparation of
    pilocarpine contain sodium bisulphite
    which may cause allergic reactions
    including anaphylaxis and severe
    asthmatic episode.

  2. Acute overdosage: The clinical
    symptoms may include nausea,
    vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain.
    In addition frequent urination,
    excessive salivation, lacrimation,
    sweating, bronchoconstriction, nasal
    congestion. Severe pilocarpine toxicity
    may produce tremors, muscle
    weakness, bradycardia, cardiac
    arrhythmia, hypotension etc.

  3. Severe or irreversible adverse effect:
    Some patient with peripheral retinal
    degeneration may develop retinal
    detachment. A sudden drop of
    intraocular pressure indicates that

retinal detachment has occurred.

  1. Symptomatic adverse effects: Topical
    pilocarpine therapy produces blurred
    vision or myopia, poor vision in dim
    light or sometime painful spasm. Many
    patients on pilocarpine may experience
    ciliary or conjunctival congestion,
    headache, photophobia. Some patient
    may develop pupillary dilatation
    following use of pilocarpine.
    Ibopamine (2% eye drop) is recently
    introduced newer compound, producing dose
    dependent mydriasis endowed with very
    interesting characteristics: rapid onset, marked
    pupil dilatation and rapid return to normal
    pupillary diameter. This rapid return to normal
    pupillary diameter after its diagnostic
    application in eye offers significant advantages
    compared to other currently available
    mydriatics. Ibopamine is well absorbed
    through the cornea, it is rapidly hydrolyzed by
    esterases to epinine and the mydriatic effect is
    correlated with the concentration of epinine in
    the aqueous humor.
    It is approved for mydriasis in ocular
    examination and surgery and for the early
    diagnosis of glaucoma.

It is obtained from the betel nut ‘Areca
catechu’ and has got muscarinic and weak
nicotinic actions. It has no therapeutic value
except for chewing to promote salivary
secretion and in pan masala etc.

These are the drugs which act by inhibiting
the enzymes true and pseudocholinesterase
and thereby produce an accumulation of
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